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Create and maintain supportive

and safe learning environments

102082 Pedagogy for Positive Learning Environments - Assessment 2


  • Standard 4.1 - Support student participation

  • Standard 4.2 - Manage classroom activities

  • Standard 4.3 - Manage challenging behaviour

Appropriate instructional practice helps maintain students engagement and enhance learning effectiveness. TAS subjects place great emphasis on the student's high-order thinking abilities, including problem-solving capabilities, critical and creative thinking. Noticeably, these abilities can not be "manufactured": even teacher could force students to fill up a worksheet, they can not force students to be more creative. On the contrary, external pressure can only make students more conservative and feared to step out of the safety zones (Jones & Jones, 2003). Fortunately, PLEs give teachers an alternative option: researchers suggest that if students are given a clear understanding of how the learning could impact them and further fulfil their current or future needs, students are intended to achieve higher participation and learning outcome. The plan-implement-review (PIR) cycle is the framework that helps teachers to maintain the internal motivation of the students in the long term. By revisiting the curriculum and reflecting on the students learning outcomes, teachers are able to make adjustments to the difficult levels and apply differentiation for individual students.


Personally, Quality Pedagogies and Technical Pedagogies will be both embedded in my teaching philosophy. The significant difference between the two is the driving force of learning. The teacher-centred pedagogies are better to maintain classroom discipline and ensure the smooth flow of teaching; the student-centred ones can lead to a more spontaneous and collaborative learning environment. Fortunately, there is no absolute boundary between these pedagogies when applying in real-world teaching practices. In fact, the combination of the two is most suitable for TAS subjects. The techniques from Kounin's effective teaching and Gagné's nine events of instruction model are great for teachers to use when sharing new information and managing whole-group activities (De Nobile et al., 2017). When it comes to practical projects, quality pedagogies (including student involvement, social interaction, and feedback) are frequently used to promotes student self-guided learning and maximises students' potential.


Classroom culture is a visual representation of classroom discipline, convention, courtesy and behavioural normality (Altun, 2013; De Nobile et al., 2017). Personally, values-based Approaches and SEEAE are employed to set up my classroom culture. Values are used to establish universal agreement and ideas in the classroom, and SEEAE helps students to understand these values. Cohen emphasis the predominance of "Social, Emotional, Ethical, and Academic Education" (SEEAE) in contemporary education context as the framework provides a variety of practical methods to actualise the character education (CE) and (social-emotional learning (SEL) goals. The CE aims to educate children to think and act in "ethically correct" ways, while SEL focuses on promoting student's octal-emotional competences and creating a positive environment for learning.

102093 Secondary Professional Practice 1 - Mentor Report

The practicum gives me an immersive experience of teaching in Australian high school. This experience provides me with the opportunity to discover the connectedness of the theoretical approaches and the real-world teaching, and further understand how personal pedagogy, in-depth comprehensive of curriculum and unit design can affect the learning outcomes respectively. My placement of Practicum 1 is Technological and Applied Science (TAS) in Holsworthy High school. In these five weeks of teaching block, I took Year 8 Industrial Technology, Year 9 Industrial Technology Timber and Year 10 Graphics Technology. In the first two weeks of practicum, I mainly continue the previous units, and in the following three weeks, I started projects with new content.

The classroom climate could be significantly impacted by the factors such as the topic of the unit, difficulty of the activities, individual interests and even the time of the class. Students can quickly go off-task if the lesson is too difficult (or too easy, too boring, too intensive, too much freedom, etc.). Therefore, a well-structured and balanced pedagogy is needed to keep them engaged, while a variety of needs-based approaches are required to keep them motivated. 


The classroom value is one of the most elements of positive learning environments (PLEs). Workshop safety is the most priority value for all schools and students; any violation against personal safety and work safety should not be tolerated. Also, as a role model in the classroom, it is teachers' responsibility to establish ethics and moral values for students. 


  • Standard 1.3 - Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds

  • Standard 4.4 - Maintain student safety

  • Standard 7.1 - Meet professional ethics and responsibilities

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