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Plan for and implement

effective teaching and learning

102086 Designing Teaching and Learning - Assessment 2


  • Standard 3.1 - Establish challenging learning goals

  • Standard 3.6 - Evaluate and improve teaching programs

This assessment was focused on establishing challenging learning goals for students, as well as practice how to evaluate and improve teaching programs. 


To maximise the effectiveness of learning, a video resource of sustainable packaging design is added to the lesson plan to introduce the syllabus concepts(P2.2). As a format of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), video resources are now widely used in schools in this “digital age”(Selwyn, 2012). Starko(2013) points out that communication in education is featured with technology and rapid-growing knowledge. To effectively deliver complex information, it is essential to embed ICT in teaching practice. Jimoyiannis et al. (2012) also proved that ICT would improve learning outcome by enhancing students’ engagement and group learning performance.

The group discussion after the video is aiming to develop students’ higher-order thinking skills. The video explains that sustainability is a concept correlated to multiple factors such as material choose, usage, replaceability, rather than causal to one of them. To understand the correlation and unfold the idea to their assessments, students are required to describe, distinguish, demonstrate, categorise, synthesis and eventually critique the knowledge.

102093 Secondary Professional Practice 1 - Mentor Report

The practicum gives me an immersive experience of teaching in Australian high school. This experience provides me with the opportunity to discover the connectedness of the theoretical approaches and the real-world teaching, and further understand how personal pedagogy, in-depth comprehensive of curriculum and unit design can affect the learning outcomes respectively. My placement of Practicum 1 is Technological and Applied Science (TAS) in Holsworthy High school. In these five weeks of teaching block, I took Year 8 Industrial Technology, Year 9 Industrial Technology Timber and Year 10 Graphics Technology. In the first two weeks of practicum, I mainly continue the previous units, and in the following three weeks, I started projects with new content.

The classroom climate could be significantly impacted by the factors such as the topic of the unit, difficulty of the activities, individual interests and even the time of the class. Students can quickly go off-task if the lesson is too difficult (or too easy, too boring, too intensive, too much freedom, etc.). Therefore, a well-structured and balanced pedagogy is needed to keep them engaged, while a variety of needs-based approaches are required to keep them motivated. 


The classroom value is one of the most elements of positive learning environments (PLEs). Workshop safety is the most priority value for all schools and students; any violation against personal safety and work safety should not be tolerated. Also, as a role model in the classroom, it is teachers' responsibility to establish ethics and moral values for students. 


  • Standard 1.3 - Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds

  • Standard 4.4 - Maintain student safety

  • Standard 7.1 - Meet professional ethics and responsibilities

102094 Secondary Professional Practice 2 - Mentor Report


  • Standard 1.4 - Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

  • Standard 2.4 - Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians

  • Standard 2.5 - Literacy and numeracy strategies

  • Standard 3.1 - Establish challenging learning goals

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